When people visit your blog, in what way are you prompting them to reach out to you? Usually a newsletter signup form isn’t enough. That’s why I highly suggest a popup form. They’re a great way to encourage people to contact you about coaching, support and/or your upcoming challenge groups. Otherwise, visitors will simply look at your site and leave, possibly never to come back. Having them submit their information via vCita (or another popup) is one way to start a conversation and start developing a relationship with them as a client/customer/challenger. Those relationships help establish you as a trusted advisor. Plus, when they fill out your form you’ll capture their email and will make it easy for you to invite them to your Facebook group.vCita has a nice plugin for WordPress you can use. First, you’ll need to create avCita account here: http://www.vcita.com/. Next, search for the vCita plugin and install it as a widget. You can easily customize the text, photo, and time delay for the popup. In your text, welcome them and tell them what you can help them with.
Watch this video to see why vCita is a great idea:
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDKmtLWfiy8[/embedyt]
If you are not getting leads from your vCita popup, you may need to tweak the wording. If they contact you, what will they get? Always add value! Can you offer them a free consult, a menu plan, a .PDF of 21 Day Fix recipes, a 30-Day Customized workout plan? Also, you can insert a hyperlink to have them assign you as their free coach (that’s what I did – see to the right).