Just DO IT Already.
“If you only ever did the things you don’t want to do, you’d that everything you’ve ever wanted.” — Mel Robbins
What are you WAITING FOR? How much time do you waste thinking about what you want to do, without taking action on actually DOING it? I’m not just talking about healthy eating and fitness here either. It could be the book you want to write, the job you really want to go after, the trip you have always wanted to take, or the relationship you want to pursue…
Right now, I’m reading The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins. What I’m learning is that too often, we try to talk ourselves out of the things we should be doing. We don’t follow our instincts nearly enough. If we did, and stopped overthinking and overanalyzing every decision, we’d get a LOT more shit DONE. Try it! Go through your day and see how many times you stop to question yourself, to decide against something because it’s hard or inconvenient.
You see, when instincts that are tied to the goals that are IMPORTANT to you, they’re telling you something. It’s that gut feeling you get that’s a mix of excitement, nerves, curiosity. But too often, we let the scary part creep in and we start retreating back into our comfort zones, where life is secure. And we make zero progress.
So, the only way to do break out of your comfort zone is to take courageous action every single day. It’s not just the courage to do it, but it’s also the courage to share it with the world. Don’t hide it. Be brave. Sure, it’s scary. It makes you feel overwhelmed, insecure, unsure of yourself. That’s only because you’re changing, growing, and making progress. Recognize those feelings for what they are, don’t deny them. Embrace the scariness. Go out and really LIVE your life!!