My second “paper” book of 2019 is finished! The Power of Intention took me a long time to finish. Even longer than you might think.
You see, I found the original receipt in the book from when I bought it a long time ago, dated October of 2007. So, I guess I can say it took me twelve years to finish it, but it was definitely worth the wait! I think when I first attempted to read it, the busyness of mom life prevented me from really concentrating on the words. I was distracted and in a different season of life. Now that I’m older and the kids are more independent, it was perfect timing. In fact, one of the themes in the book is allowing things to unfold in their own time, in perfect order. This book found its perfect time.
A few major takeaways from this book:
1. You can’t change the world, but you can change how you look at it. Perception is everything. When you look at people with love and understanding, you vibrate at a higher frequency. And when you do, everything changes. It’s easier to express love, to rid yourself of feelings like guilt, shame, sadness and anger.
2. In order to raise your own vibrational frequency, you have to practice positive thinking, which leads to feeling positive emotions. First, start with yourself. Show yourself love, self-forgiveness, non-judgment, and see yourself as the divine masterpiece that you are. Ditch the negative self-talk. Then, you can branch out and start looking at others that way too. I’ll have to admit, when I was in my “slumps” and wrestled with bouts of depression, I had been pretty hard on myself. I think that’s why I was at such a low vibrational frequency. I was beating myself up mentally.
3. Your ego is a huge stumbling block to happiness. When you start to recognize the times when your ego is talking, you can tell it to shut up. When you do, you open the doors to greater happiness and the ability to manifest what you want in life. One of the ways the ego gets in the way of you living your best life is by judging others. That will knock you down the vibrational ladder, so to speak. If you believe that we’re all connected in this universe, it stands to reason that any judgment or negativity you project onto others will also have an effect on YOU.
4. LOVE THE CRAP OUT OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. My BIGGEST takeaway from this book is so simplistic. It makes perfect sense, but it’s sometimes hard to put into practice: Just show tons of love and forgiveness to yourself and others. When you do, you raise your vibration and ability to attract the good things in life like love, connection, and abundance.
This was the second book out my 52 Books in 52 Weeks Project. Check it out, and join me!