Heads-Up: Our Take Time for YOU Challenge Group starts tomorrow! This challenge is for anyone following the 21 Day Fix, P90X, T25, Insanity, PiYO, or other Beachbody Program. The challenge is a virtual program that is run in a closed group setting (on Facebook) and lead by me, Coach Kim. It’s great for anyone looking to get back on track with eating, gaining control over food portions, while toning and losing inches.
With this group, my group of coaches and I provide 1:1 accountability in a private Facebook group. The group will be open for 60 days so you’ll be able to do two rounds of the FIX program if you decide to do so (or move on to another program after the 21 Days). In the group, we will provide a daily assignment with all sorts of printables, recipes, menu plans and other ideas to help you succeed. We will discuss topics like emotional eating, eating out, traveling, temptations, late-night snacking and whatever the group decides is relevant to them in their goals.
From one of my last 21 Day Fix challengers: “Kim, I’m absolutely speechless with these measurements..there’s no way they can be right! Aside from arms and thighs, there’s at LEAST 2 inches less on everything: 2 off hips, 4 off waist!! I’m ecstatic!”
I am only accepting a limited number of individuals for this program so I can offer daily support and 1:1 accountability. In this group, my group of coaches and I will provide a daily assignment to help keep you motivated and on track. We will discuss topics like emotional eating, eating out, menu plans, temptations, late-night snacking and whatever the group decides is relevant to them in their goals . I will give you lots of my tips and tricks to keep you moving in the right direction.
If you’re interested in participating in the Challenge with Beach Ready Now, please fill out this application so I can learn more about you and see if you would be a good fit for this program or a different one (nobody will be refused – I just want to make sure you find the right program for your needs). I can’t wait to learn more about you!