It’s… MOTIVATION MONDAY. What if you’re not feelin’ it?
I’ve been there. I wanted something bigger in my life, but I had no idea where to start. Not knowing where to start was my downfall. Instead of trying to figure it out, I should have been in the process of failing forward. Instead of learning by trial-and-error, course-correcting as I went along, I did nothing. I sat there waiting for inspiration to hit. Guess what? It didn’t. Then, I got tired of waiting around. I got busy trying to figure shit out.
Around the time I turned 40, I was tired of my job. I was feeling old, unsure of myself, not knowing what the next decade held in store for me. I knew wanted to kick ass, but had no idea what that meant anymore. So, I tried a variety of different things. I started a new blog (actually, several of them). I met with college professors to talk about the possibility of going back to school to get an advanced degree. I dabbled in social media consulting. I started working out again. I was clearly a hot mess with no clear path to success. However, in the process of trying to figure shit out, what worked became more and more obvious to me. Simply the act of trying to figure it out make everything much easier and helped me figure out what I really wanted out of life.
Take it from me. You can’t wait around waiting to get inspired by something before you take action. If you’re doing it that way, you’ve got it all backwards. You see, action INSPIRES motivation. It’s not the other way around. By getting busy, you get the ball rolling. You start the forward momentum that you need to go on to do bigger and better things in your life. You see, action helps you figure things out. Want to get motivated? Get busy!
Nike’s slogan may be “Just do it” but instead let’s make our slogan “Just do SOMETHING.” Honestly, what IT is doesn’t really matter. For those hesitant to exercise, just getting to minutes of activity – ANY activity helps, even if it’s just planking for 30 seconds. For those who want to write a book but don’t know where to start… start by writing a witty Facebook status update. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even GOOD. Make a mess. Sure, you may embarrass yourself in the process and even F*#$ up. But you are LIVING. Life is too short not to be doing SOMETHING.