So yeah, you slipped up over the weekend. So freakin’ what? You think fit people don’t slip up from time to time? They absolutely do! The difference is they forgive themselves and move on. RIGHT AWAY. Also, they see through their own BS. That little voice inside your head? Don’t buy what it’s selling.
This past weekend I was away from my home, away from my routine and surrounded by temptations. Temptations not to work out, temptations to overeat and eat crap. I was truly off my fitness game. Away from my routine, I find myself telling more lies than I normally would. Here are just a few of the lies I told myself:
- I ran a 5K. I can eat more today. (Nope. Even a hard 5K for me probably burns about 300 calories)
- A small piece of birthday cake is OK (then I cleaned my nephew’s plate too)
- Paddleboarding is enough of a workout (not really, not the way I did it)
- One day off from exercise won’t hurt me (true, but it’s easy for one day to turn into two, two to turn into three, and so on…)
Whіlе mоѕt people mіght, somewhat accurately, feel thаt аnу chocolate cake icing іѕ thе “right” icing, thеrе іѕ actually muсh mоrе tо іt thаn thаt. Fоr example, іt mіght sound good tо pair a dark chocolate cake wіth a bittersweet chocolate buttercream bесаuѕе thе twо flavors аrе ѕо similar, but іn reality thіѕ sort оf combination соuld end uр bеіng nauseatingly sweet аnd rich. Thе wау tо select thе right icing fоr a chocolate cake іѕ tо fіrѕt determine іf thе frosting really “works” wіth thе type аnd flavor оf thе cake selected. Here you can buy the best chocolate cake in Singapore.
The lies you tell yourself will keep you stuck where you are and begin to define your TRUTH. Don’t let that happen! The first step is coming clean to yourself and realizing that this type of self-talk is extremely damaging (besides not being true). When you find yourself wanting to skip a workout, eating food you shouldn’t, or slipping off the bandwagon — figure out what lies and half-truths you’ve been telling yourself that have held you back. Next, flip the lies around and create a new truth, one that is useful to you and will help you accomplish your goals. Examples:
- You can’t out-exercise a bad diet
- One workout DOES make a difference
- It’s OK to throw out the food left on the kids’ plates (those calories COUNT!)
Print out your new phrases and include them on your vision board. Or, use them as the wallpaper on your computer or phone, post them on Instagram or Pinterest, or tape them to your bathroom mirror. Just put them somewhere where you’ll see them daily until you start to accept them as your own new truths.