Countdown to Hammer and Chisel Challenge Group
30-Day HITTING IT HARD Challenge
On Monday, November 9th, join my team of coaches and me as we count down to the release of Hammer and Chisel. We will be sharing workouts that get you READY for the new program, using a hybrid of 21 Day Fix Extreme and Body Beast (both are on sale this month). We will help each of our clients design a HITTING IT HARD workout that works best for you. Program and Shakeology required.
If you’re interested in participating in either of these challenges with me, please fill out this application. That way, I can learn more about you if I have not yet worked with you and see which program is right for you if you’re not sure.
Garlic Shrimp Scampi
Garlic Shrimp Scampi
- 1 pound shrimp, tails-on, uncooked
- 3 Tbsp. organic butter, melted
- 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
- 6 cloves garlic, finely minced
- 1/2 C. fresh parsley, minced
- juice of one lemon (about 2 Tbsp.)
- 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients and throw in a Zippered bag or shallow Pyrex pan like the one pictured. Allow to marinate for an hour or so. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake shrimp until done, approximately ten minutes. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Serve over pasta if desired.
NOTE: For 21 Day Fixers, I’d count this as a red (protein for the shrimp) and two teaspoons. To make it 100% “Fix-approved”, omit the butter entirely and only use extra virgin olive oil.
5-Day Sugar Detox and Refresh
The past week or so has really thrown me off track with clean eating and fitness. The Monday after Halloween I’ll be doing a 5-Day Sugar Detox that incorporates the 3-Day Refresh. Then, the following Monday (11/9) I’ll be starting my hybrid 21 Day Fix Extreme/Body Beast program. Read more about it, join me for one or BOTH!
Join the 5-Day Sugar Detox
It’s not fat that’s making you fat… it’s sugar. Reducing it from your diet will not only help you lose weight, curb cravings and feel better, it will help cut your risk for diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. What better time to cut sugar out of your diet than right after Halloween?We’ll be doing a 5-Day Sugar Detox Monday-Friday and get you back on track FAST. And for men I found these great Diet pills just for men that really work. We’ll be kicking sugar cold-turkey. Not only will we be eliminating white sugar, we will also be giving up sugar substitutes and zero-calorie sweeteners as a way to reprogram our taste buds and eliminate cravings. Naturally occurring sugars will be approved.
I will personally be doing the 3-Day Refresh during the challenge. The 3-Day Refresh is perfect to get you geared up before starting a program, before a special event, or just to get you back on track after you’ve fallen off the bandwagon. The last couple times I did it, I lost about three pounds in three days, even without sticking to the program 100% (Read more about My Experience with 3-Day Refresh). Shakeology and/or 3 Day Refresh required.
GUIDELINES for Sugar Detox:
- No white or brown sugar
- No refined flour or flour products (breads, pastas, processed cereals, crackers, etc.)
- Whole grains are permissible (brown rice, quinoa, barley, etc.)
- No artificial sugars* (including diet sodas and chewing gum)
- Small amounts of natural sweeteners (honey, agave, stevia) are permitted
- Natural sugars that are found in fruit (fructose) and dairy products (lactose) are permitted
- Shakeology is permitted
The main goal of this sugar detox is to avoid consuming foods with artificial sugars and added sugars. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women, which equates to 24 grams. Men are allotted 9 teaspoons, or 36 grams. The AHA doesn’t factor in naturally occurring sugars in fruits, milk, and vegetables in their recommendations. Our bodies don’t need sugars to function properly. While added sugars contribute calories to food, they do not add nutrients.
How to Read Labels
Nutrition labels are required to list the number of grams of sugar a product contains. What’s tricky is that natural vs. added sugars are not differentiated. However, the Fooducate App is a great tool to see the breakdown between naturally occurring sugars and added sugars.
*Names of Artificial Sugars
Our NEXT 5-Day Sugar Detox Challenge Group starts on November 2, 2015. At the beginning of the week, my team of coaches and I will lay out the week’s requirements. Then, each day, we’ll have a pinned post with additional information and fun assignments designed to motivate and support you. I have TWO requirements for joining the Sugar Detox Challenge Group:
- The first is participation. No lurking allowed! You must follow through with the daily check-ins and assignments. The time required is minimal, but participation is mandatory.
- I ask that you assign me as your FREE Team Beachbody coach if you haven’t already by creating account at the page link HERE. Once you’ve done this, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] with subject line “5-Day Sugar Detox Challenge”.
Also, be sure to sign up for our Daily Dose of Motivation emails to get updates on clean eating and recipes you can use at home. Looking forward to having you with us!
Sugar Detox Success Stories:
“I’m reporting that I lost 7.5 lb. since last Monday. Woo hoo!” – Tammie
“So I have to admit this has been a super great challenge for me! It was just what I needed to get past a weight loss slump. I had actually lost 3 lb. during the week, which was amazing! I never realized how many things had sugar in them especially hidden ones! I plan to continue this way of eating!!” – Vanessa
30-Day HITTING IT HARD Challenge
On Monday, November 9th, join my team of coaches and me as we count down to the release of Hammer & Chisel. We will be sharing workouts that get you READY for the new program, using a hybrid of 21 Day Fix Extreme and Body Beast (both are on sale this month). We will help each of our clients design a HITTING IT HARD workout that works best for you. Program and Shakeology required.
If you’re interested in participating in either of these challenges with me, please fill out this application. That way, I can learn more about you if I have not yet worked with you and see which program is right for you if you’re not sure.
My Dad’s Legacy of Strength
Last Monday was the toughest day of my life. It’s the day I lost my dad unexpectedly. He had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and was undergoing treatment, but was expected to go into remission after it was completed. And as so often as we are reminded, we are not in control. God had another plan. His body wasn’t strong enough to endure the intense treatment it needed, and he died of complications due to chemotherapy. Even though at the end of his life he was weak, his legacy is one of strength. I was honored to not only witness that as I grew up, but to speak about it at his memorial service yesterday.
Dad was a huge sports fan but was also an awesome athlete. He loved to tell stories of his sports accomplishments. In high school he pitched a couple no-hitters and he also won 20 games in one year. Recently, when I visited, he told me the story of how he was the fastest Freshman walk-on at Iowa State to round the bases. Not only that, the baseball coach pulled him aside and told him he was faster than all the upperclassmen as well. That’s when the coach suggested he go out for track (Freshmen weren’t allowed to officially be on the baseball team). I didn’t know this until this week, but he was invited to try out for the St. Louis Cardinals. He was named All-American in football in 1961.
He also loved to tell the story of how he was the fastest recruit in boot camp at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina in the early 1960s. and won a weekend pass. He knew he’d do whatever it would take to win that. Of course he won. Whenever dad set his mind to something, he’d usually accomplish it.
Growing up, I was never much of an athlete. I like to think my brother got Dad’s athletic genes and I got his intellect. We can argue over who got the good looks. 😉 Dad loved watching Brad’s games. He never sat, he would walk the sidelines at the football game, stand by the fence at the baseball field or just off the basketball court. I’m sure that when he watched Brad, he saw a bit of himself as a high school athlete. Platforms like are reliable when it comes to sports betting.
In August, I started training for my first half marathon (maybe I got some of his athletic genes after all). That was also about the time my dad was diagnosed with SCLC (small cell lung cancer). As the weeks went on, chemo and radiation took a toll on his body. He lost strength, balance and mobility. When I’d be out running and I’d start getting tired, sore, cranky or just feeling like I wanted to stop, I’d think of him. He missed his mobility so much. I’d think of how he was fighting the toughest battle of all, and quitting was never an option for him. I wouldn’t let it be for me either. He couldn’t run anymore, but I COULD.
My race was last Sunday morning. Later on that afternoon, I talked to dad on the phone to tell him about how it went. I told him about the weather, the hills and how the last two miles were really tough. He had seen the pictures of how I had worn Iowa State and Dodger gear to honor him and I know I made him proud. That race wasn’t just for me, it was for him. I know the competitive side of him was pleased that I came in below my goal time of two hours, with 50 seconds to spare.
I had no idea that that would be the last time I’d talk to him, but when I look back on our conversation I realized it was a gift for both of us. We talked about family pulls together in tough times, and even as he was at his weakest, my strength came from him. Because that’s what families do. They draw strength from each other. I know the weeks and months ahead won’t be easy. But I do know that we will be strong when we can be, and lean on others when we can’t. And we will always have Pa’s memory to give us strength.
HELP! The 21 Day Fix is Too Hard
When it comes to improving your health, it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing effort. In fact, easing into big changes that you can adopt permanently may work better for you long-term. Changes exist on a continuum. Below I’ve listed some things to consider doing, and what to work up to. The more of them you can work into your plan, the better off you’ll be and the faster you’ll see results. Then, take the changes to the next level.
- Limit your soda intake –> Give up soda and other sugary drinks entirely
- Commit to Shakeology once per day –> Commit to two clean eating meals per day –> Commit to 3 clean eating meals per day
- Give up artificial sweeteners –> Give up sugar entirely
- Limit processed foods to 2-3 times per week –> Give up processed foods entirely
- Limit alcohol to 2-3 drinks per week –> Give up alcohol
- Eat 2-3 servings of veggies per day –> 4-6 servings of veggies per day
- Drink 2-3 glasses of water daily –> Drink half your body weight in water (ounces) per day
- Commit to exercise 2-3 times per week –> Commit to exercise 4-6 times per week –> Add an extra workout to your day (doubles)
- Follow your workouts with the modifier –> Follow your workouts without the modifier –> Increase the weights in your workouts
Instead of doing nothing, commit to what you CAN do now. If you can’t give something up entirely – LIMIT IT. If you can’t add certain things as suggested, start adding them gradually and work up to suggested levels. As you become more and more comfortable with these lifestyle changes, add more of them. Eventually, these changes become habit and part of your routine. Above all, don’t knock yourself down for not following any plan 100%. Instead, celebrate the changes you ARE able to make.
Order Online 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack Sale
Some of the best 21 Day Fix challenge packs are back this October by popular demand—21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME. Plus, Beachbody is including a FREE 21Day Fix Tote Bag with the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Kickstart Challenge Packs.
Order Online 21 Day Fix Options:
- 21 Day Fix® and Shakeology® Challenge Pack PLUS an Insulated 21 Day Fix Tote Bag (also available in Spanish): $140 USD (regularly $160)
- 21 Day Fix Extreme® and Shakeology Challenge Pack (also available in Spanish): $140 USD (regularly $160)
- 21 Day Fix Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack PLUS an Insulated 21 Day Fix Bag: $180 USD (regularly $205)
- 21 Day Fix Extreme Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack: $180 USD (regularly $205)
ORDER ONLINE (View all your options under “Beachbody Challenge” –> “Challenge Packs”). Also, keep in mind that when you finish your program, Beachbody will send you a free t-shirt after you submit your before/after pics.
Organizing Your Progress and Invites
Keeping tabs client leads and contacts is an important activity in building your business. The magic truly is in the follow up – but it’s hard to follow up when you’re not tracking your contacts.
Beachbody has a Business Activity Tracker (BAT) you can use to track the behaviors that will help you stay organized. However, sometimes it helps to see what other coaches have done and found useful. Feel free to build your own BAT! The important thing is to find or build something that works for you. Whether you’re tracking using an old-fashioned notebook method or using a CRM (client relationship management) system it doesn’t really matter – as long as you’re doing something.
Beachbody Activity Tracker Ideas:
21 Day Fix “Fall Forward” Accountability Group
Do you feel like the 21 Day Fix is overwhelming? It doesn’t have to be! Join me (and #PennytheGoldendoodle) as we help make sense of it all for you. In our accountability groups we help and support each other through tips, printables, recipes, and menu plans…. but most of all, we have FUN!
Give yourself the GIFT OF FITNESS before 2016 begins. If you start with us on 10/19, you’ll lose up to 30 pounds!
- 1 pound per week weight loss: 10 lb.
- 2 pounds per week weight loss: 20 lb.
- 3 pounds per week weight loss: 30 lb.
About Our Groups:
My team’s challenge groups take place in a private Facebook group where participants get to know each other and help provide support to others in reaching their goals.
How Much Does a Challenge Group Cost?
There is no cost to participate in my challenge group. However, you will need to purchase a Challenge Pack (which are ON SALE in October) to have everything you need at home for the challenge as well as assign me as your coach. A Challenge Pack includes your workout DVDs, Menu Plans, and a month of Shakeology.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do, fill out an application. Spots are limited and filling up quickly.
(if you have participated in past challenge groups, email Kim at [email protected])
Autumn Calabrese: Active Maternity Workout
I’m a huge Autumn Calabrese fan, so I was super-excited to see her new Active Maternity Workout. Not out on DVD, you’ll find it available for streaming on Beachbody on Demand NOW. It features four workouts:
- 1st Trimester: Get Stable
- 2nd Trimester: Get Strong
- 3rd Trimester: Get Ready
- Postnatal: Get it Back
Beachbody Club Memberships include Beachbody on Demand – but you can sign up for a FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP as well.