For the first time to my knowledge, Athleta clothing is being offered at big discounts over at Zulily. I absolutely LOVE everything I’ve ever purchased there -especially their leggings. I get a new pair of Chataraunga tights every year, and my “old” ones still look new! Tip: Wash in cold and never put in the dryer. Check it out here: Zulily boutique.
The Party’s Over
Celebrating ELITE was fantastic, but now it’s time to dig in and start working on getting our team to ELITE status again next year. Who wants to celebrate with us in 2018? I’m looking for a few MOTIVATED people who want to help others achieve their health and fitness goals who would like to join my team.
You DO NOT have to be a certain age, at your fitness goal, or have a health and fitness background (I wasn’t when I started). My team is made up of coaches that range in age from 18-73 – all at completely varying fitness levels and abilities. You simply have to be interested in working on your own goals while you help mentor others. it DOES help if you are:
—> Self-motivated
—> Interested in learning about social media
—> Willing to break out of your comfort zone
—> Willing to show up DAILY even if you don’t feel like it
Good things to those that hustle.This job has allowed me to build an online health and fitness business when it’s convenient for me. Sure, sometimes that means getting up at 5:00 am or checking in with my challengers on vacation because of my commitment to support them EVERY DAY of their fitness journey. But because I love it, it doesn’t FEEL like work.
—> You will receive 1:1 training and mentorship from me
—> Team support and accountability
—> Proven systems created from the top coaches in the network
If you’d like to earn more about this opportunity, add yourselves here TONIGHT! We have an informational group beginning tomorrow —> (Please ONLY request to join if you are not already working with a Team Beachbody coach or are one yourself)
Raising Strong Women Begins at Home
Last night my daughter attended a formal dance wearing her elegant dress from a perfect shop like Peaches Boutique sweet sixteen dresses. Those girls all looked BEAUTIFUL, even the boys looked stunning, they made sure to visit the Best Beauty Salon in Toronto. .
Behind those gorgeous photos were hours of prep – picking up flowers, doing makeup, brow laminations, hair, etc with the newest salon furniture provided by the best Salon. As I was talking the stylist that did Sydney’s up-do, we were talking about how each one of the girls she styled that day pointed out their flaws. (It’s true, youth really is wasted on the young!) She got comments like, “My forehead is too high” and “I have a really big nose” or “I have a really square face”. I know part of that is the age, teenagers are insecure. I used to be one of them, so I get it. With kids increasingly wanting to sport trendy hair styles, much like their older siblings or parents, it might be important to take them to a salon to give them a huge confidence boost. As with any sort of hair, it is important to start by using a shampoo and conditioner that is suited to great with kids haircuts. Specifically, shampoos formulated for kids usually contain ingredients that enable their hair to grow thicker and stronger. Check here for Feather razors which are used for good haircuts for kids. These shampoos also tend to have fewer harmful ingredients in them, which is incredibly helpful as kids can be much more sensitive. It is also important at a young age to have a very practical haircut.
So for girls, the best haircut is a very simple long, straight and blunt cut, with perhaps a small fringe. For boys, it is simplest to cut it to as short as the boy will let you, especially because a short cropped style and the use of thigh high stockings is almost always in fashion. The bikini and Brazilian wax are more popular than ever. Here we will look at the advantages of doing both and you will see why the Bikini and Brazilian wax are so popular. While some women may still avoid bikini waxing, opting instead for the tried and tested razor, many more are taking the plunge and going all the way with the Brazilian wax. Bikini waxing traditionally, removes only the hair that is visible around the bikini area. Brazilian waxing is a method of hair removal that removes all of the hair from the genital region. Not for the feint hearted, Brazilian waxing is a trend that has grown in popularity for both men and women. While bikini waxing remains popular. If you want to take care of the hair in your head which is a major factor in how you look, buy some of this well reviewed shampoo.

You know when there is a “something” that hovers just out of reach and you can’t quite put your finger on it? While I was watching The Joy of the Single (a documentary about 45rpm records, not marital status), there was a snippet, a mere 10 seconds, of a young and svelte Roy Wood, shimmering in blue sequins, warbling Blackberry Way, and something stirred. I had a vivid recollection of my beloved sequinned Biba tank top, but that wasn’t it. It was something more … sensory. A smell. It took me a whole 24 hours to finally nail it: the scent of the Biba tank top when I put it on.
I was remembering the scent of Aquamanda. You must remember Aquamanda? We used to marinade ourselves in it during the early 70s. Everything I owned was saturated with the scent of orange blossom. How odd that I should remember a smell without actually smelling it. Then again, is there anything more evocative of time and place than a perfume? I bet Daisy Buchanan wasn’t so much moved to tears by the sight of Gatsby’s “beautiful shirts” as by the memories stirred by the scent of them – and him. To get best quality scents just visit cccf .
Since the 70s I’ve worked my way from Revlon’s Charlie to YSL Rive Gauche by way of Chanel Allure and a brief infatuation with Armani Acqua di Gioia – and thence to Chanel No 5 – which my daughters still call “Mummy Smell”. I can’t honestly recall it, but I know my own mum favoured Worth’s Je Reviens. My nan sprayed everything (and everybody) with lavender water or 4711 eau de cologne. I’ve learned that although I adore the scent of roses I cannot abide tuberose and that, for some reason, Nina Ricci’s L’Air du Temps brings me out in spots. I’m not fickle with my perfumes – it turns out that I am one of those people who remains loyal to a handful of favourites and in my case those are currently Chanel No 5, Acqua di Parma and Escentric Molecule 01. The first is a classic, the sharp bergamot tang of the second reminds me of a lost love and the third is a welcome confidence boost, which I should explain: Escentric Molecule 01 contains pheromones and, as my own pheromones are retiring due to middle age, some additional and more lively ones are very welcome. Pheromones are supposed to make people like you more and therefore be nicer to you. It’s probably all nonsense and any effect may be entirely imagined, but I don’t care – it’s the one I’m always asked about when I wear it and I love it.
Scent is a very personal thing and I think we don’t always give enough attention to the business of choosing and buying one. The selling of designer fragrances is a massively profitable business, worth an estimated £10.5bn worldwide and with an equally hefty advertising budget to go with it. We may aspire to dress from head to toe in Balenciaga but the bit of Balenciaga we can actually afford is Florabotanica Eau de Parfum, as advertised by Kristen Stewart. Every time we run the gauntlet of a perfume hall – strategically positioned so there’s no way round it – we emerge from the other side liberally paintballed in a multiplicity of confusing whiffs, unless we are very firm about saying no. This is not the way to buy a new fragrance. Everything smells subtly different on each individual and it takes time to develop as it sits on your skin and warms up. Very occasionally it warms up and smells like the ginger tom next door, so getting a little spritz on your wrist and walking around with it for an hour or so will tell you whether it’s really for you.
Seven Brazilian sisters brought the concept of the Brazilian wax to New York on 1987, and since then has become one of the most popular hair removal methods in the United States. Compared to a normal bikini wax, this procedure differs greatly since it will require you to remove the hair found on the back, front and all the hairs found in between. Although in some cases, a strip is placed on the front, however there are certain customers who prefer having the hair on the front removed as well.
One advantage of the Brazilian wax is that you no longer need to worry about any pubic hair in your pubic area, and even in your anus since it will remove all of these.
Compared to trimming or shaving your pubic hair, when you go for this treatment, the growth of your pubic hair will take a longer time. With a this method you can enjoy weeks of having a hair-free pubic area. You can also try this painless permanent hair removal if there are still other unwanted hair in your body which you want to get rid of.
A Brazilian wax may sound tempting because of its advantages, but like all things, the procedure has its shortcomings as well. One known disadvantage of the Brazilian wax is its price. Compared to trimming, shaving or even getting a Bikini wax, this method is a lot more expensive and pricey.
The Brazilian wax is also a very painful procedure. Patches of your pubic hair will be ripped from its follicles, so a lot of pain can be expected. If you really want to go through with a Brazilian wax, prepare yourself for the discomfort that comes with the wax treatment.
So despite the pros and cons we’ve listed above, you’ve decided to go on with this procedure. There are certain preparations that must be done in order to achieve the fullest and most satisfying treatment. Before undergoing a Brazilian body wax, you have to be aware of the pain that this wax treatment may cause. Just like plucking your eyebrows from their follicles, the pubic hair is also ripped from pubic area.
However, it reinforces what we need to do that the women’s health they look up to. We need to LOVE OURSELVES. Show our girls our imperfections are beautiful too. That we are CONFIDENT. They get their cues from US, my friends. We need to be the best role models we can be.
After all, true beauty comes from the inside out. It’s about knowing who you are. It’s not just ACCEPTING your flaws but EMBRACING them, and taking care of yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT. Contrary to what you may think, our girls take so much more of their cues from us than the do their friends or the media. If you are not doing those things or feeling that way yourself, how can we expect the younger generation to do it? Before we empower them, we must empower OURSELVES.
Raising strong, confident women starts AT HOME.
Resolution Reset: Tips for Staying on Track
Many people are faltering with the resolutions they set at the beginning of the year. What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who struggles with staying on track with their health and fitness goals? We asked professional wellness coaches that question, and this is what they said:
“Make small resolutions. Easy things you can accomplish each day that will compound into new habits.” — Jennifer from Fitness Into Your Day
“One day at a time. Anyone who’s ever struggled with an addiction is taught to take the future just ONE day, maybe even one hour at a time. Then we create a circle of loving, supportive, accountability partners who help you to stay on track each day. Today is THAT day! Choose to move your body in a challenging way, choose to fuel your body with optimal nutrition & choose to expand your mind to say: “Today is my day to make healthy living a lifestyle!” — Molly from Strong Heart, Mind and Body
“Tell people so you can be accountable.” — Kia from Journey to a Healthy Self
“Set mini-goals, for example, instead of saying “This year I want to lose 30 pounds.” start small and break it down into monthly and weekly goals. “This week I want to lose 2 lbs” sounds a lot more reasonable than the previous goal. That way you can celebrate your mini-goals along the way for a little added motivation. And don’t forget, it’s not all about the number on the scale! A goal can be as simple as adding one more fruit or veggie to your diet each day, getting in 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week, getting 8 hours of sleep a night, etc. If you’re someone who has interrupted sleep from snoring, check out” — Leah from Brownell Bootcamp
“Accountability– this is key! If you have someone else depending on you or watching you, it motivates you to the be the best! And with accountability comes a community of like minded people, this leads to encouragement, as well!” — Kimberly from KM Fit Mom
” Invest in yourself with Personal Development. Start with reading the Compound Effect. Instead of jumping feet first at 110%, make small daily changes. Those small daily changes will eventually add up and your likely to stick with it because you will not become overwhelmed or stressed out. You also become stronger from the inside and realize that it is not all about the scale.” — Carrie from Journey to a Happy Life
“Remember why you started and don’t give up. To accomplish anything you really want you need to work.” — Karen from Healthy Fit Fix
“Planning ahead! Even if you just plan 3 days at a time, when it’s written down and you have what you need to make it happen, you are so much less likely to say, “Screw it, call in a pizza!” Keep it SIMPLE, at least to start out.” — Melissa from Fixin’ to Move Mountains
“Find someone to support you and keep you inspired and on track! When going at it alone doesn’t work finding a friend who has similar health and fitness goals as you can make all the difference. Accountability and support is the reason I always struggled to reach my goals prior to starting our challenge groups, turns out lack of support is the number one reason people don’t achieve their goals at the level they are capable of. Surround yourself with others who will lift you up and support you and it will make staying on track that much easier!” — Nicole from Hustle and Heart Fitness
“You just have to start, give yourself a break, take one day at a time and ask for help!” — Lucy from Dedicated Deity Fitness
“Write it down! Create a vision board. Include your goals and incentives for reaching those goals! And make a checklist of those goals, so that as you reach them you can physically check them off! It will give you a visual of your progress!” — Elizabeth from Blondie Fitness
“Support is key!! Surround yourself with those who want to see you succeed and they will keep you motivated!” — Rachel Rademan Fitness Mommy
“Have a clear reason WHY you are setting the goal. It has to be meaningful, emotional. Imagine what it will feel like reaching that goal and how it will improve your life. Then, make it a non-negotiable in your mind. Don’t allow negative-self talk to prevent you from reaching it.” — Kim from Beach Ready Now
My Word of the Year for 2017: REFINE
Did you know that 50% of people who set resolutions fall back into their old habits by the end of January? Instead of setting resolutions, I have a ONE-WORD plan to provide focus and clarity in what I do. It’s based on a book by Jon Gordon (one of my favorite authors) Dan Britton and Jimmy Page (you can learn more about it here: year, my word was FOCUS. Prior to the start of 2016, I felt scattered. Lacking direction. I was easily distracted my things that sucked my time – scrolling my Facebook feed, the latest reality show, or social obligations I had little interest in. I knew I had the skills it took to accomplish awesome things, but I was allowing the noise of everyday life prevent me from getting them done. I believe having that word helped me push beyond my limits to be able to run my first marathon and drive my coaching group to ELITE status. Having FOCUS helped me put the blinders on, dig deep, and get them done – even when I didn’t feel like it.
This year, my word is REFINE. Why? At the start of 2017 I feel as if I’m on the right track with a lot of things… health, career, relationships, all the important stuff. However, I know I can improve. I don’t always feel like I am living up to my full potential. On my list of things to get done: Becoming more efficient in my job as a health and fitness coach, developing effective systems to mentor others, dialing in my nutrition and eating habits, and streamlining our family finances even more than we have in the past. You can check here at h-t for more information. Putting those things in writing made me see that this year is about leveling up, getting better, REFINING my strategies.
Do you want to select a word of the year? Here’s my advice: Select a word that has a strong WHY behind it. Think about what you want to accomplish in ALL areas of your life – career, home, family, finance, etc. Is there an overarching theme? A word that describes all of those goals? Next, put that word everywhere. Set it as your screensaver. Stick a Post-it on your bathroom mirror. Set periodic weekly reminders on your phone. Then, watch the power of ONE WORD transform your life.
Resolution Reset: A 30-Day Challenge
Did you know… about 50% of people who set resolutions fall back into their old habits by the end of January? Don’t let that happen to you! With this group, my team of coaches and I provide 1:1 accountability via the My Challenge Tracker App to help you reach your health and fitness goals. In the group, we will provide a daily assignment with all sorts of printables, recipes, menu plans and other ideas to help you succeed. We will discuss topics like emotional eating, eating out, traveling, temptations, late-night snacking and whatever the group decides is relevant to them in their goals.
Celebrate Life.
Wow, more flowers? First flowers from my hubby last week, this afternoon more flowers from Team Beachbody corporate. I don’t think I’ve seen so many roses since I got married 24 years ago!! I’ll admit, it feels great to be spoiled. It’s something I’m not used to, but it feels wonderful. I’m grateful to be part of a company that rewards their Coaches as well as being a wife to someone who appreciates the hard work I invest in my business.
A little story: When Scott and I were first married, he brought me flowers. We were beyond broke, and these flowers were expensive. After I expressed my appreciation, I make the mistake of telling him he shouldn’t be spending money on things like that. He (unfortunately) listened to what I said, and most likely also got his feelings hurt. I think it was YEARS before I got flowers again because I finally broke down and told him how much I regretted speaking those words. I wanted the flowers.
Some advice: If you’re dow-to-earth and practical like me, don’t let those qualities prevent you from enjoying your own successes. Life is too short not to be just a little bit frivolous. Sure, flowers never make financial sense… but it’s what they symbolize that’s worth the price. It’s not only that, celebrating milestones creates a success mindset. When we downplay our accomplishments, it’s almost the same thing as saying we weren’t worthy of them. Don’t get into that negative frame of mind.
Celebration is something I have my clients do EVERY DAY in my fitness challenge groups. We call them NSVs (non-scale victories). It builds us up, creates a culture of positivity. When we start recognizing our successes and celebrating them, the law of attraction states we starting seeing more and more of that. Plus, it releases those feel-good chemicals… and who doesn’t need more of those, especially now, in the dead of winter?
So here’s my call to action for EVERYONE reading this. How about giving someone in your life a token of appreciation that is totally impractical the next time they achieve something? It doesn’t have to be a big achievement, or even an expensive gift. Little goals are worth celebrating too. You’ll be glad you did.
My Ultimate Reset Experience
I’m starting the Ultimate Reset on Monday. It’s a pretty hard core cleanse/detox program. No alcohol is allowed, just one cup of coffee a day – and even that’s not recommended. Many of you may be wondering WHY I’d put myself through this if I don’t need to lose weight, right?
I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds, but that’s not my main goal. The more I learn about nutrition, the more I want to take clean eating one step further. To really dial-in my diet and eat with intentionality. I am excited to see what this does for how I feel and my energy level. But perhaps more importantly, I want to improve my diet because I believe that what we eat (or don’t eat) is often the answer to what ails us.
For those of you who don’t know, my dad passed away just over a year ago at age 73. He had been diagnosed with cancer in August, in October he was gone. I never want to go through what he did (or anyone else for that matter). I also believe that there is a lot we can do with our diet to not only prevent disease and illness — but to improve the overall quality of our life.
While I already eat clean about 80% of the time, I’d love to see what happens when I up that to 100% – and not just clean, but in the right balance. I’ll be taking that clean eating diet even further by giving up meat and dairy in weeks two and three in favor of plant-based proteins. I’m always up for a good challenge, and this definitely seems like one.
I’ll be blogging what I’m eating and feeling after each day of the Reset. Bookmark and check back with me!
Day One of the Reset was a success. Besides one cup of coffee, I was spot-on. I started to get really hungry around 5 pm but dinner was HUGE. About half an hour ago I started getting a little hungry again, but nothing an early bedtime won’t fix.
Today was even easier. I woke up with lots of energy. The food was AMAZING and I barely noticed there was no feta on my salad or no queso on my tacos. It’s all part of weaning myself gradually from animal products. I better enjoy it while it lasts, because #shitsaboutogetreal next week.
Day Three if the #UltimateReset is in the books!! Due to a lack of planning on my part, I didn’t have all the ingredients for the sushi rolls we were supposed to have for dinner. Luckily, there is a “Meals in a Crunch” section for quick and simple alternatives. The miso soup tasted like dirty water (my husband’s words, not mine). But all in all it was a successful day. No cheats.
As this week came to an end, I felt super-excited about how well I had done sticking to the Ultimate Reset plan. I even ate a side salad without dressing at Panera when I lunched with a friend, and that’s not easy!! I will admit though, that tonight I was feeling a little bit resentful that I couldn’t have a beer. The biggest change I’ve noticed is an increase in energy. Hunger usually hits in the afternoon, but it hasn’t been that bad. There really is a LOT of food with this. Two more days and I move on to Phase Two.
At a basketball tournament today and crap food is EVERYWHERE. I’m definitely reminded of the importance of planning ahead, the need to dig into your “why” when tempted, and the value in creative improvising. I was tired today, mostly from the lack of sleep (not from the lack of food). I opted to skip going out to a local burger/wing place after the tournament. I didn’t know if I had the energy to sit there and not have a beer and/or “unapproved” food. I dislike skipping social opportunities because of a diet, but this time it was for the best. I knew my willpower would have failed me.
As I head into my second week of the Ultimate Reset tomorrow, I am feeling more excited and confident about the changes it is bringing about in my life. Weight loss wasn’t my top priority. I know I’ll easily shed the 3-5 pounds of holiday fluff by doing this, but that wasn’t my main objective. I wanted to head into the new year with great habits; to really set the tone for disciplined, intentional eating habits. Food has the power to do so much more than provide taste and pleasure. It can nourish, energize, and even heal. This year I plan on exploring that long after the Reset is over.
Well, week one is in the books! I’m posting these pics to hold myself accountable for sticking to the program for the entire 21 days. Two weeks left! Like I mentioned before, weight loss is not my main goal, but rather dialing in my nutrition. This week, I’m entirely vegan. Next week, ill also eliminate grains. Its not easy, but it is getting me to rethink my old habits and consciously create new ones. I’m not sure I see a difference, do you?? I do feel like my waist is smaller and my pants are looser. But the best #NSV increased energy, deeper sleep, which I’m feeling already. I can’t wait to find out what the next two weeks have in store for me!
Day Nine of my whole-foods-plant-based cleanse is in the books! I thought I’d be hungry Week Two, but I was not hungry at all today. The sweet potato bisque was not my favorite recipe, but overall I’m enjoying the food. It will be fun to experiment with new vegan recipes when the detox weeks are over.
My greatest fear going into Week Two and giving up animal products was that I would be hungry. Nothing could be further from the truth! I am actually less hungry this week than I was last week. On today’s menu: fresh fruit, Greek salad, lentil quinoa pilaf and steamed broccoli.
More than halfway through The Ultimate Reset and I am seriously thinking about incorporating #vegan habits on a more permanent basis. I can’t say I could go 100% vegan (I mean, if bacon were vegan I could, but it’s not ??) because I’m the type that likes to keep my options open. I’m feeling great, people are saying I look better (did I look bad before?
?) my sleep is improved and my energy is way up. Why would I go back to my old ways?
Day Twelve of Ultimate Reset went well, but I’m not going to lie- I wish I could’ve had a beer or two tonight. Calories are also limited on this program, but I haven’t been as hungry as I anticipated I would be. It is definitely helping me face bad habits and sorting through emotional triggers. I’m over halfway done, feeling confident in the lasting changes this will create in my life. I know I’ll become more intentional in my food choices and be able to reduce meat and dairy while still enjoying great food.
Day Fourteen of Ultimate Reset is done!! I’m glad I’m heading into my last week. The recipes are good, but I’m looking forward to choosing my own food and creating my own menu plans again. I’ve also missed working out (strenuous workouts are not recommended on this plan)
Day Sixteen of Ultimate Reset is done! Mornings and lunches are a piece of cake, but eating only veggies for dinner is not. That part of this challenge has been the hardest for me, not to mention. Cooking separate meals for my family. I’m looking forward to having some flexibility in planning back next week while carrying new habits along with me.
Day Seventeen of eating a while-foods plant-based diet flew by. My routines are getting established, and I find it’s much easier now than in week one. The Moroccan carrot salad had some great flavor- cumin, cayenne and olive oil/lemon. Yum!! Just think how CHEAP that is to make, too. This plan really has me thinking of new ways I can cook with healthy, frugal ingredients.
I think that this may have been one of the easiest days of the#ultimatereset so far. I am definitely in the habit of fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, veggies for dinner. My cravings are almost non-existent. I do get hungry, but it’s a real hunger not based on emotions or habit. I’m excited to start a new vegan eating plan next week, incorporating more calories and grains, and adding weight training back into my routine.
That’s a wrap! The Ultimate Reset is complete. Overall, it was much easier than I thought and had a bigger impact. I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to reset their eating habits and drop weight quickly. Weight loss was not my goal, so if I did it again I’d increase my portions. This time I wanted to do it “by the books” to see what it was like, how it would work, and how it would make me feel. Now I see why others have described it as “life-changing”.
7-Day Healthy Crock Pot Challenge Starts MONDAY!
Let’s Get CROCKIN’
Between school, work, and kids’ sports after school it can be a real struggle to find time to cook healthy meals. A crock pot is a great tool to use to solve that problem. This week, I’ll share some of my best clean eating crock pot recipes with you. Your family WILL approve!
Please request to join here: Clean Eating Crock Pot Fix
I will approve your request as long as you:
1. “Like” my Beach Ready Now page on Facebook
2. “Friend” me (Kim Danger) on Facebook if you haven’t already so that I can get you added to the closed group when it opens on on Monday.
3. Invite a friend or two to join us!
(This group is entirely free, I just ask that you not already be working with another online health and fitness coach already. Prizes are available to those who have listed me as their coach only)
Day 1: Welcome
Welcome to your Coach Basics training! I’m so excited to have you as a new Coach in #teamcrazytrain! Today is about setting ourselves up for success. First, I’d like you to complete the FIRST 30 Action plan and read the PARTICIPANT GUIDE (both the files section of our FB training group).
I know it can feel like there is so much to learn as a new coach,
but you’ve already got what it takes to be successful! All you
have to do is BELIEVE you can be successful and work to
DEVELOP it. That’s what we’re here for and why you’re part of
our team.
I can’t build your coaching business for you…it’s YOUR business…but you’ll never do it alone and I’ll be here to support and help you each step of the way! As a new Coach on our Team, all I ask of you at this point are three things:
1. Show up every day for your business.
2. Be willing to go outside your comfort zone.
3. Keep it simple and trust the process.
Today you start the LAUNCH PHASE of your Coach Basics
training. The goal of this phase is to help you hit Success Club
by finding your first 2–3 customers. To do this, we’ll be focusing
on using the Contact List in the Participant Guide. Getting these first customers will give you the experience you need so you’re ready for the next phases of your training. Plus, this phase will help you get out of the starting roadblocks and see your first successes as a Coach.
So, let’s get started! Every day you’ll come here and see the
day’s training focus and three action items. Before the end of the
day, make sure you’ve reported back to the group on that day’s
action items!
1. Read participant guide
2. Complete FIRST 30 action plan
3. Start working on your contact list