I meet the majority of my challenge group participants online. It always makes me a little sad when I get a friend request from one of them and I look at their Facebook page and there are no pictures of them to be found. Their profile picture is their kids, or their pets, or a beautiful sunset – but not their OWN smiling face. Often, I often don’t even know what they look like. I want to get to know THEM. Put a face with the name. To me, the lack of personal photos is indication they may not like how they look or have a strong sense of self-worth. That’s really sad.
Sure, I do know that as moms we are usually the ones taking the pictures. Our kids are adorable, especially when they’re little. I get it, mine were cute too! (Now they’re teens who want nothing to do with mom taking their picture). When they’re little, doing all that cute stuff and creating memories we want to capture those moments to savor forever. Documenting our kids’ lives as they grow up is great, but when they look back on those photos one day will they wonder where MOM was? Are YOU part of the story? Will you be part of those memories? Don’t take yourself out of the picture. Don’t hide behind the camera. Get IN ON THE ACTION.
If you don’t like the way you look, it’s time to change that. It starts from the inside out. Working on self-love is a great place to start. Once you start to appreciate yourself, love yourself, realize that YOU matter, you start to treat yourself better. Your confidence grows. Gradually, that begins to show on the outside as well.
Today, make it your mission to get YOUR photo on Facebook as a first step in the process. Let your OWN light shine. Because YOU matter. You are just as important as the other members in your family. Come out of hiding, fully embrace your life -imperfections and all. YOU are beautiful, and you are WORTH IT.