If you’re like me, you dream of cooking healthy, hot and tasty clean meals every night. Then, reality sets in. Your son has a game. You have to drive them to practice. Or lessons. You forgot to get the (fill-in-the-blank item) at the store. There’s not enough time to defrost this or that, and when you’re left with no time or ingredients, the processed crap seems to be the only solution. This week we will be focusing on tasks designed to avoid all of that.
Join our 5-Day Busy Life Guide to Clean Eating
Our team of wellness coaches will give you practical advice, solutions and recipes in a private Facebook group. Each day, we will have three pinned posts and a short assignment. By Friday, you should have some practical tools in your arsenal to make your life healthier and easier.
We start Monday, October 12th and wrap up on Friday, October 16th. All that’s required is me as your coach (create your free account here) and a willingness to learn. We will provide the information and fun. We always like to make things interesting by throwing in a few prizes along the way.
Sign me up!