What is the 2B Mindset Weight Loss Program?
2B Mindset is a new weight-loss program was developed by a UCLA-based dietitian, Illana Muhlstein, who has her own 100-pound weight loss story. Over the years, she has worked with hundreds of clients and fine-tuned her process to help them lose weight happily, healthfully and KEEP IT off. To me, the best part is that there are NO foods that are off-limits. No container counting, no calorie counting and no points to keep track of. It is a completely FREEING way to live. Instead of feeling restricted like in other programs, you will be able to enjoy your favorite foods without guilt (in moderation, of course!). She puts a POSITIVE spin on everything, which I LOVE!
With this program, there is a series of videos that will encourage you to look at food differently, make healthy swaps when it’s easy, and find new ways to fill up on healthy foods. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and fill the majority of your plate with plant-based foods. There is a recipe book, a tracker journal, and a water bottle you can use to make sure you get enough. In our Test Group we will also have access to the program creator to ask questions and tweak our own personal plans as we go along.
About the 2B Mindset Coach Test Group with Illana Muhlstein
ALL Coaches who purchase 2B Mindset will have the opportunity to join an exclusive Test Group with Illana. They MUST purchase by June 3, 2018 to be eligible. Illana’s group will take place in a private Facebook group. She will answer questions about the program, provide further insights, and live video training. You DO NOT have to be in coaching as a business builder to join. ANY coach – even those who enroll for the discount – is eligible, as long as they have purchased the 2B Mindset.
Once you enroll as a coach, you will receive an invite to Illana’s 2B Mindset group from Team Beachbody within 48 hours.
How Much Does the 2B Mindset Coach Group Cost?
This is a TREMENDOUS value. To illustrate that, I want to share with you how much it *WOULD* cost you if you met with Ilana at her private practice – These are ACTUALLY her prices:She owns a very busy practice and works out of UCLA:
º Initial Nutrition Assessment – 1:15 min – $295
º Personal Nutrition Counseling – 50 min – $265
º Maintenance Package – 30 min – $500
BUT you don’t have to pay that! Phew, right?!
Here are YOUR options! (Shown in US dollars… UK peeps this is the SAME price in British pounds. Canada please contact your coach for the Canada conversion ?)
2B Mindset & Shakeology® Challenge Pack
2B Mindset & Beachbody® On Demand & Shakeology® Challenge Pack
All of these options are on a special launch pricing through June 4th. ALL options include the following:
? Permanent streaming access to all 2B Mindset videos
~ 21 short videos that teach the basic principles of the program
~ How to understand food groups
~ What to eat and when
~ Ilana’s proven secrets to a positive mindset
~ PLUS real-life strategies for managing any eating situation (i.e., eating out at restaurants, while on a trip, for vegans/vegetarians, etc.)
? 5 videos that help address the most common challenges to losing weight and establishing a healthier relationship with food
? 15 recipe videos where Ilana shows you how to cook her favorite time-saving, delicious and satisfying meals…in no time•
? ”The Getting Started Guide”, which includes step-by-step instructions for putting the program into action
?”My Go-to-Guide”, a handy resource that accompanies the videos, featuring food lists, grocery shopping lists and more
? “2B Mindset Recipes booklet”, a collection of Ilana’s favorite healthy meals, which can be printed for handy reference
? “My Tracker”, a 90-day journal you can use to track your meals, progress, and all the daily inputs that can influence your weight loss journey and success
? A special 30 oz water bottle that helps get you drinking more water with Ilana’s motivational sayings to keep you on track
?AND starting on 6/4/18, you’ll have access to the Beachbody Nutrition+ App that lets you view ALL 2B Mindset videos (and program materials) on-the-go, and gives you a place to track your meals and your progress, right on your mobile device (iOS only)
**Option 2 BETTER INCLUDES a month of Shakeology! Which I can personally say is WORTH IT! The test group drank this daily! AND I personally drink it daily too! Priced alone Shakeology is $130 a month!
***Option 3 The BEST is definitely the most cost-effective option because again… this INCLUDES a month of Shakeology AND and an ENTIRE YEAR of Beachbody On Demand! Yes, I know that workouts are not required for this nutrition program, BUT we all know that adding them only adds to better results! Plus, when you start to feel more confident with your progress you will WANT to do more!
Plus, Beachbody on Demand has workouts for ALL fitness levels… EVEN beginners! So. it is definitely worth it even if you only work out 1-2 times a week.
If you Purchase the Basics and decide to add Shakeology later… it will be full price at $130
Additionally, If you decide to add Beachbody On Demand later is will be $99
⭐ If you want to be part of Illana’s PRIVATE “Office Hours with Illana” Coach Test Group
Sign up with a COACH ACCOUNT! All who have a coach account with a 2B Mindset order will be invited to have Ilana’s support in her exclusive 2B Test group! There is no obligation to actively coach anyone. You can just totally sign up with account for HER added support and for the discount! (Coach accounts receive a 25% Discount on products INCLUDING Shakeology!)
⭐ BOTH OPTIONS BETTER AND BEST get you a FREE coach sign-up ($39.95 Value) if wanted!
⭐ ARE YOU IN??? Message me at [email protected] to reserve your spot!